Sabtu, 10 September 2011

Lindsay Lohan: Taking Shoplifting Classes

Lindsay Lohan: Taking Shoplifting Classes

Career train wreck Lindsay Lohan has been taking shoplifting alternative classes, as ordered by a judge. The hilarious thing? Shoplifting alternative classes exist.
The first lesson? Don't steal jewelry that doesn't belong to you.
Hard to wrap your head around, we know. Lohan must also do 360 hours of court-ordered community service at the Downtown Women's Center. But has she?
Not so far, although she has done about 45 of the 360, and a source says, "Lindsay does have a full year to comply with all terms of community service."
Lindsay also has to do 100 hours at the L.A. County morgue, which she has not yet started. "Lindsay is dreading that aspect the most," the insider says.
Lindsay must appear in front of Judge Stephanie Sautner on October 19 for a progress report. Judging by the last meeting they had, it might not go well.

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